Explore projects
Ian Vaughn / cmake-project-template
MIT LicenseAn example cmake project showing git version integration and cpack for Debian packaging
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ros / moos_bridge
OtherBidirectional MOOS/ROS bridge that is entirely configured using rosparams. Tested with ROS Noetic and MOOS 10.
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Ryan Govostes / meta-lrauv-bsp
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Mirror of http://oalib.hlsresearch.com/AcousticsToolbox Source binaries from http://oalib.hlsresearch.com/AcousticsToolbox/atLinux.tar.gz Makefile adapted to build on Ubuntu 18.04LTS
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OctoPort is for multiplexing serial ports and TCP ports allowing multi-access multi-view control of devices connected to Intel Edison such as Micromodem.