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Gateway Node to "Pass Thru" Certain Message Codec IDs

Breaking Changes


New Features / Improvements

The purpose of this MR is to keep the originator SRC/DEST metadata intact (from Status, MissionState, BatteryState, FixAge msgs) while relaying the info to a far end asset (e.g. shoreside via ROS_IRIDIUM). This MR adds a separate node to manage/handle the forwarding of a ReceivedPacket message that matches a message codec id against a given list.

note: the entire ReceivedPacket rosmsg is passed, requiring an update to any message_codec_config YAMLs.

Previously, forwarding a Status, MissionState, BatteryState message from a GWB or WG would "lose" the original SRC information and thus the shore would consider all messages as originating from the gateway SRC.

note2: adds the message_codec_id_found_in_list method to the ros_packet_codec.PacketCodec object

Deleting dev/cordc/pass_thru_dispatching - this earlier branch incorporated this capability directly into the packet_dispatcher_node; decided to separate out, but a lot of the functionality is the same (runs thru decoding a Packet until/if a message codec id match, then publishes the full ReceivedPacket on the gateway topic instead of publish_topic from the codec config yaml).



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