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Verify dynamic_queue query is respecting tags, fixed bug in static queue tag handling, added new link layer tag unit tests

Breaking Changes

  • GetNextQueuedMessageResponse (part of GetNextQueuedMessage.srv) has a new field: string[] msg_tags.

New Features / Improvements

  • GetNextQueuedMessageResponse new field: string[] msg_tags.
    • string[] msg_tags are the tags for the message returned in the response.
    • since dynamic_queues are not handled by the message_queue_node directly, we now use this field to validate responses.
    • when a response has invalid msg_tags (logic defined by the current set of require_tags, exclude_tags and, minimum_priority) it is not used.
  • added deserialize_anymsg() to


  • TagConfig was not setting self.exclude_queue_ids. it was setting set.exclude_list (typo!) and no other nodes were using that attr.
    • queue response tag validation removes static network tags forward, first_transmit, net_ack before validation
    • was not setting minimum_priority when creating tag_config instance.
    • was not passing minimum_priority to dynamic_queue_query call.
Edited by Caileigh Fitzgerald

Merge request reports
