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v13.1.0 merge to master

Caileigh Fitzgerald requested to merge devel into master

New Features / Improvements

  • Added service endpoint of an existing type ros_acomms_msgs/PingModem.srv to tdma_advanced (this was previously only handled by the modem driver. Now we can do the same service request in-band with tdma).
    • when service is called from tdma/ping_modem rather than ping_modem, the ping request will go out in the next active slot where nav pings are allowed
    • the service handler in tdma_advanced will use the cycle_duration OR request.reply_timeout (whichever is larger) to set a max timeout
    • the tdma_advanced service will appear to be "hung" while waiting on ping_modem reply. This service handles 1 ping at a time and does not have the safety gating auto ping does. This allows clients to use ping_modem as normal but IN tdma.
  • Can now change the auto ping_modem_src with a topic for tdma_advanced (and child types)
    • topic: name: ~change_auto_ping_modem_src type: std_msgs/UInt8. publish message on this topic and auto ping will use new src. Also sets rosparam server with new value and invalidates dynamic reconfigure cache.
  • Added CI for all new features (and some old):
    • change_auto_ping_modem_src feature
    • tdma/ping_modem service
    • ping_modem service

Merge request reports
